Run this script from SQLPLUS: SELECT table_name, sum(bytes)FROM (SELECT s.segment_name AS...
Can I import database? How?Yes you can. If performing from your PC: make sure to copy & paste connection string that...
Can I use my domain name with Apex?Absolutely, you will have full ftp/sftp access to the server as well.
Can you add 'DBA access to my user name?No, you can not have DBA rights on a shared server environemnt.
Do the schemas you use for the Application Express accounts have the CTXAPP role or exec priv's on CTX_DDL?Yes, every oracle apex schema comes with CTXAPP role.
Do you support SSL/https with APEX Hosting package?Yes, we do. We can create temporary ssl certificate and when you are ready for a production you...
How are the daily backup accessible (oracle backups)?Backups can be written to your home directory, and can be accessed via ftp or ssh. You can go as...
How can I access APEX if I don't have domain name yet?You can access APEX and develop your application even if you don't have domain name yet....
How can I check how much Oracle space I have used?How can I check how much Oracle space I have used? Please login via sqlplus and execute the...
How can I check if SSL installed correctly?How can I check if SSL installed correctly? We found great tool that verifies ALL SSL...
How can I import my workspace from another host or server?Only Oracle Apex administrators can import a workspace. Please open a support ticket and attach...
How can we change the ORACLE user password?Starting from Oracle 8 you can just type password from SQL*Plus, or if you need to change another...
How can we see the oracle database log?For security reasons no user can see Database Logs
How do I calculate tables size in Oracle?select blocks, empty_blocks, num_freelist_blocksfrom all_tableswhere owner =...
How do I calculate tables size in Oracle?select blocks, empty_blocks, num_freelist_blocksfrom all_tableswhere owner...
How do I export/back up my application to my local pc?To export/back up your application log in to your APEX account and navigate to Home: Application...
How do I export/import Oracle Apex applicationsTo export and then import an Oracle apex application: 1. Login into your workspace 2....
How do I send e-mail messages from PL/SQL?Please follow this greate example: below: (http://www.orafaq.com/scripts/plsql/smtp.txt) rem...
How long does it take to set up an APEX account? Will I be e-mailed the details to log in to my workspace?Generally APEX or any account is setup within 1 hour after you signed up. All account info is...
How to Delete All Objects for a User in Oracle?Normally, it is simplest to drop and add the user. This is the preferred method if you have...
How to create an Oracle Wallet?In order to secure your domain you need to the following: We complete all necessary...
How to list out the table size of all table?How to list out the table size of all table?Login to the db via sqlplus and execute: SELECT...
How to remove everything from my schema?connect via sqlplus and execute: set heading off set pagesize 0 set feedback off set timing...
How to resolve: ORA-29248: an unrecognized WRL was used to open a walletWhen using Wallet for paypal or Google checkout the following error may occur: ORA-29248: an...
How to restrict Access to my app by ip?Please open a ticket as we may need to add special configuration on the webserver level. After...
I am getting import error IMP-00013. Why?While importing database you get the following errors: IMP-00013: only a DBA can import a file...
I have been using an index.html page as the initial page. How do i Change this to go directly to my application?You can place this into your index.html to redirect: <meta HTTP-EQUIV="REFRESH"...
I see some tables I deleted in my schema that starts with BIN$. How do i purge Oracle rycycle bin?Please connect to the database via SQL/PLUS and issue the following command: PURGE RECYCLEBIN;
I want to add a second Oracle user so another programmer can work on my server using SQL*Plus. Is that possible and how do I do it?Please let us know what user name and password you need and our support team will create it for you.
If I create a custom directory on the server, will I also be able to have someone put it in the apache configuration, so that I can refer to the images which I place in it?Absolutely, as a matter of fact once we create your domain configuration in apache you can...
In order to use your hosting servie I would need to be able to automate the daily import of data. What options are available for loading data into the database? Can we use: sql loader? the Oracle import (imp) utility? external tables?You can use sql loader, import or data pump utility.
Integrating Application Express with PayPal Payments ProPlease follow the following article from Oracle site: Integrating APEX with PayPal API
Jasper Reports - how toBelow are steps to use Jasper reports:- Download and Install Jasper Studio 6.21 from...
Send E-mail from apex app using apex_mail.sendTo send email using apex_mail.send from your APEX app, use the following code: DECLAREl_body...
Send mail with UTL_MAILHow to send mail with with UTL_MAIL 1. first you need to contact us to get acl opened. Please...
Send mail with UTL_MAIL WITH AUTHENTICATION1. first you need to contact us to get acl opened. Please include all your users/schemas that...
Sending mail from APEX with authenticationDECLAREl_connection utl_smtp.connection;BEGINl_connection := utl_smtp.open_connection(host =>...
Sending plain email from APEX using apex_mail.send-- Example One: Plain Text only message DECLARE l_body CLOB; BEGIN l_body :=...
What printing options do I have in APEX?We offer PLPDF, Jasper Reports and BI ( Bi is already integrated into APEX as default print...