Yes you can.
If performing from your PC: make sure to copy & paste connection string that was sent in oracle setup email into your tnsnames.ora file
If perfomring import from our Unix server: upload your database dump file to ANY directory, ssh into your shell account and follow instructions below
Using Oracle import utility either from your PC or from our Unix server issue the following command:
imp youruser/yourpassword@connection_string file=your_dumpfile.dmp log=log.txt fromuser=export_user touser=cur_username
imp= oracle import utility
youruser= current user name on our database
yourpassword= current password on our database
@connection_string = is the connection string that was sent in sign up email
log= log file
file= file that you exported from your previous database
fromuser= user that exported dump file
touser= you current database user
To export database:
exp user/pass@connection_string file=export.dmp log=log.txt
**PLEASE MAKE SURE* when you import database that your dump file was exported as regular users or import will fail.